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요새 1인 미디어나 유튜브가 대세라 '나도 영상을 만들고 싶다'
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실무자들에게 취업 관련 질문을 하면 취업은 경력, 자격증
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자기소개서나 이력서에 1점이라도 가산점을 받자
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격증은 1년에 총 4번의 시험을 칠 수 있으며 상대평가가 아닌 절대 평가이며 60문제
개설 예정
Build Education Website Using WordPress
8:00 오전 - 5:00 오후
Chicago, US
Tech you how to build a complete Learning Management System with WordPress...
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Elegant Light Box Paper Cut Dioramas
8:00 오전 - 5:00 오후
Vancouver, Canada
Morbi accumsan ipsum velit. Nam nec tellus a odio tincidunt auctor a...
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1,300개 협력업체들이 함께 합니다
센터? 선생님들?의 후기
" I have an understanding that, even if the work is not perfect, it's a work in progress. And the reason why I'm on Skillshare is to develop a skill. I feel that it's a safe space. "
DeVeor R
Business course
" I have an understanding that, even if the work is not perfect, it's a work in progress. And the reason why I'm on Skillshare is to develop a skill. I feel that it's a safe space. "
Tony Chester
Photography course
" I have an understanding that, even if the work is not perfect, it's a work in progress. And the reason why I'm on Skillshare is to develop a skill. I feel that it's a safe space. "
DeVeor R
Business course
" I have an understanding that, even if the work is not perfect, it's a work in progress. And the reason why I'm on Skillshare is to develop a skill. I feel that it's a safe space. "
Tony Chester
Photography course